
Legion by Dan Abnett
Legion by Dan Abnett

The Imperial Army requires their aid on a heathen world resisting compliance with uncanny powers that thwart the military push. Of all the Legions of the Adeptus Astartes (Space Marines to the likes of you and I), the Alpha Legion has always been the most secretive. As it turned out, ‘Legion’ was a little disappointing… I’m a big fan of anything by Dan Abnett, particularly in the Warhammer 40K setting, so when I realised that ‘Legion’ was lurking in the ‘to read’ pile I didn’t have too much trouble deciding what to read next. In short, civil war divides humanity and the galaxy burns… Luckily they stand on their own fairly well so there hasn’t been too much trouble keeping the overall story in my head. My reading of the Black Library’s ‘Horus Heresy’ series has kind of been in fits and starts over the last couple of years my fault really as I haven’t even tried to read them in order and have read loads of other books in between. That’s going to change over the next couple of weeks but in the meantime… To be honest, there’s been so much other stuff going on (what with one thing and another) that I’ve been after comfort reading rather than anything else.

Legion by Dan Abnett Legion by Dan Abnett

This weekend has somehow become all about the Black Library and the war torn planets of the forty-first millennium… As you’ve probably guessed, these last couple of weeks has been about my reading stuff that I know I’ll enjoy rather than checking out stuff that I wouldn’t normally try.

Legion by Dan Abnett